We‘re always eager to talk with our Georgetown colleagues about issues in teaching and learning. Perhaps you’re planning your course and looking for some feedback on assignment ideas. Or you might be looking for tips on how to address a teaching challenge. Or maybe you're not even sure how to articulate your question. In all of those cases, we're here to help.
We want to help you get what you need quickly. Here are some ways to contact us.
The CNDLS team is composed of learning designers, media producers, faculty developers, technologists, visual designers, application developers, and many other roles. Many of us teach courses ourselves, while others have extensive disciplinary knowledge and professional expertise. When you get in touch with us, we’ll take a look at your question or interest, and connect you to a colleague (or group of colleagues) who can help.
We’re ready to talk about anything that will help you as you teach, or as you look to better understand how students learn. We’ve held consultations, sometimes even leading to long-lasting collaborations, on many topics. This is just a sampling:
We’ve listed out some of the big areas we like to be sure to address on our Course and Curriculum Design page.
We are available to meet with larger groups, including joining departmental meetings (Chair’s request) to share about a teaching topic. Please be in touch to let us know about your group’s particular needs.