Grants Available at CNDLS

We offer several programs that offer financial support to carry out teaching and learning projects, ranging from small, individual classroom projects to broader research efforts.

Curriculum Enrichment Grants

Apply for a Curriculum Enrichment Grant at any time throughout the semester, as we accept applications on a rolling basis. You can expect a response within 2 weeks. 

We are now accepting applications for the Summer 2024 semester. To maximize our limited funding for as many faculty as we can, we ask applicants to restrict their requests to what is essential. If your class has fewer than twelve (12) students please consider applying for $250.

Launched under the Georgetown Learning Initiative (GLI), curriculum enrichment/experiential learning grants (CEGs) support course-related activities such as guest speakers, field trips, performance attendance, cultural immersion opportunities, supplies for showcases, supplies for in-class project work, inclusive pedagogy learning opportunities, and other activities designed to foster learning inside and outside the classroom, expose students to diverse voices and experiences related to the field, and extend students' understanding of course material and how it relates to the world outside of academia and their future professional pursuits. They also provide faculty with an opportunity to move learning beyond their classroom or individual expertise to enhance student learning as well as their own teaching.

Faculty Examples

Explore how other faculty have used curriculum enrichment grants on our blog, The Prospect:

Additional resources:

If you are unsure whether a particular event or activity might be funded, feel free to contact Doireann Renzi with your questions.

Initiative on the Pedagogical Uses of AI

The advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and especially generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT and others) present challenges and opportunities. Georgetown is broadly supporting faculty in adapting and integrating AI tools, as mentioned in an email from CNDLS and our growing set of AI resources. At the same time, we recognize that many of our faculty and students are exploring creative ways to use AI tools to advance the kind of education that we value.

In order to accelerate and support these explorations, the Provost announced the creation of an Initiative on Pedagogy and Artificial Intelligence. An array of opportunities for innovation funding are available at

Visit to see grant opportunities and apply.

Learning, Equity, Access, and Pedagogy

Georgetown’s Learning, Equity, Access, and Pedagogy Initiative, or LEAP, is a relatively new program, announced by university leadership, that supports academic units’ strategic planning to examine and strengthen the climate, content, and pedagogy of their teaching and learning environments, toward the goal of building and sustaining inclusive learning experiences for their students. CNDLS and other campus units are here to help you in this process.

Reach out to to initiate a conversation about how your academic unit might get involved.